Fabric analysis on CERAMICS
A.J. Nijboer, P.A.J. Attema & G.J.M. van Oortmerssen
1. Introduction
2. Location of P13
3. The excavation of P13
4. Report of the finds
5. Salt production
6. Epilogue
7. Catalogue (see full report printed in Palaeohistoria
47/48, 2005/2006)
8. Fabrics (including related pottery
from catalogue)
9. Acknowledgements
10. Postscript
11. References
1. Introduction
The fabrics of the ceramics presented here derive from our excavations of a Late
Bronze Age saltern on the coast near Nettuno (Rome, Italy).
A preliminary publication of this site can be found under:
| Attema, P.A.J., T. De Haas & A.J. Nijboer, 2003
The Astura project, interim report of the 2001 and 2002 campaigns of the
Groningen Institute of Archaeology along the coast between Nettuno and Torre
Astura (Lazio, Italy)
In: BABesch Vol. 78, pp. 107-140.
A full report is published under:
| A.J. Nijboer, P.A.J. Attema and G.J.M. van Oortmerssen, 2006
Ceramics from a Late Bronze Age saltern on the coast
near Nettuno (Rome, Italy)
In: Palaeohistoria 47/48 (2005/2006), pp. 141-205
The last article gives a detailed account on the fabrics research as well. We
have decided to place this information on our web site since it provides you
with colour illustrations. Besides, the web
site publication makes per fabric
clear which artefacts are assigned.
Most sherds published in our Palaeohistoria article could be allocated to a
specific fabric. Nonetheless there are some sherds that could not be
classified into our main fabric groups. Therefore we refer to our
Palaeohistoria article for the full publication of this excavation.
This web contribution reports on the main ceramic fabric groups recovered at a Late
Bronze Age site with evidence for salt production in Latium Vetus. This site,
P13, on the coast between present-day Nettuno and Torre Astura in South Lazio
(Italy), was excavated during two campaigns in 2001 and 2002 by the Groningen
Institute of Archaeology. The focus of this web site article is a
classification and catalogue of the main fabric groups found at the saltern.
Approximately 45,000 sherds were recovered from a relatively small area. One
trench contained about 10,500 sherds in 1.5 m3 of soil. A selection of the
most common fabrics is presented in detail.
Following a preliminary campaign in the summer of 2000, the Groningen
Institute of Archaeology (GIA) carried out archaeological fieldwork in the
summers of 2001 and 2002 on various sites along the coast between Nettuno and
Torre Astura (south Lazio, Italy). Short notes on these campaigns appeared in
Dutch as Attema et al. (2001b) and Attema et al. (2002), while a paper in
Italian is forthcoming (Attema and Nijboer, forthcoming). An extensive English
interim report on the fieldwork with colour illustrations was published in
2003 (Attema et al., 2003). Work carried out during these campaigns comprised
amongst others the excavation of a late Bronze age site, recorded by the
Italian archaeologist Fabio Piccarreta in the late seventies and listed by us
as P13 (Piccarreta, 1977). The present
concentrates on the fabric
classification of the ceramics found. Post-excavation work was carried out
from the 2001 till the 2003 campaign.
The excavation of site P13 revealed strata, largely in situ, containing
concentrations of burnt tufa chunks and numerous sherds of mainly large red
impasto containers. These strata did not contain any features and we probably
deal with dump layers. We link these deposits to production activities
involving the preparation of salt. In places the protohistorical strata were
disturbed by Roman activities as the presence of some Roman amphorae sherds
indicated. The latter were contained in a greasy black soil. The site as a
whole has been severely eroded by the sea. Little is left of the former area
of the original site and what did remain is probably limited to its northern
slope. The site borders on a small valley, now filled in with silty clays from
which fresh water trickles onto the beach. From an archaeological point of
view the site is significant, as it is the first Late Bronze Age site to be
excavated on the shore of the South Latial coast.
Site P13 is situated on the younger dunes of the coast between Nettuno and
Torre Astura in South Lazio on a sandy body consisting of so-called sabbie
rosse in the lower part containing palaeolithic artefacts. On top of the
sabbie rosse appear younger sands. The sandy body is eroded on three sides
forming a small ‘promontory’, revealing strata with both protohistorical and
Roman material. Directly to the north, a silty clayey layer has been deposited
by a former stream. The strata with sherds appear from this layer. To the
south the strata with sherds merge into the sandy cliff that runs southward
along the coast. The inclination of the strata excavated on P13 implies that
the area under excavation is only a very small part of the northern slope of a
much larger site which bordered on the fresh water stream and which is now
largely eroded by the sea. It is generally accepted that since the Bronze Age
the coastline has receeded some metres due to various interlinked processes (Leoni
and Dai Pra, 1977; pers. comm. A. Arnoldus-Huyzendveld). Nowadays marine
erosion is increasing due to infrastructural projects (cf. Alessandri,
2000-2001: Tav. 10, Fig. 3).
The hypothesis that the area north of the site bordered on a lower lying
stream valley is also supported by the presence of pits and pockets filled
with amphora sherds and tuff stones (possibly remains of walls) on a much
lower level than the protohistorical strata in the sandy body. Both Piccarreta’s
and our own observations indicate that the whole area, including the stream
valley, was intensively used in Roman times. The protohistorical site is also
described by Alessandri where it appears as nr. 18 and is referred to with the
toponym Pellicione (Alessandri, 2000-2001).
Piccarreta describes this site in his publication of 1977 as “molto estesa e
densa”. At the time, marine erosion had already exposed a stratum containing
ceramic fragments along a length of about 200 m. According to Piccarreta the
site stretched landinwards to a distance of about 50 m. The stratum had a
thickness of 60 cm and the entire section had a height of 2.5 m (Piccarreta,
1977: p. 76). The ceramics were described as having been made of brown impasto
and belonging mostly to large dolii and olle with notched cord decorations. He
noted explicitly that no thin impasto was present. Regarding the date of the
ceramics, Piccarreta mentions that “pur non essendo i frammenti esattamente
databili” the finds in general can be attributed to the early Iron age (prima Età del Ferro). His interpretation of site 13 was
“un insediamento stabile”,
meaning that we would deal with a permanent settlement. Excavation of P13
proved, however, that we may propose both a different dating and functional
Work on the site began in 2001 by cleaning and drawing the sections exposed by
the sea. On the site itself a grid was laid out and 5 trenches were measured
in, the objective being to relate the strata visible in the section to
possible features in the subsoil of the site and to interpret and date these.
The trenches were numbered A to E. During the 2002 campaign three trenches
were added: F, G and H. Especially the closely packed sherds in Trench D are
noteworthy. The numbering of the sherds in the catalogue marks their location
in the excavation, the Trench and the layer/spit from which they derive. A
sherd with inventory number P13D.S4.L3/43 (or P13D4.3/43), for example,
derives from the site P13, trench D, spit 4 of layer 3 and it is the 43rd sherd numbered from this layer. In general soil was removed in spits of about
5 cm thickness.
Study of the provenance of the finds from the various strata revealed that
mixed finds of protohistorical and Roman pottery occur in all trenches and
layers. Table 1 gives an overview of the ratio protohistorical and Roman
sherds in the excavated trenches. Trench C had the highest number of Roman
pottery by far. These were contained in a humid black sandy soil, meaning that
the protohistorical context is locally disturbed. For a description of the
trenches and layers we refer to Attema et al. (2003).
trench |
m3 soil |
N total |
N / m3 |
N Roman pottery |
N impasto |
% Roman pottery |
A |
2.5 |
2218 |
887 |
24 |
2194 |
1 |
B |
4.5 |
2445 |
543 |
25 |
2420 |
1 |
C |
3.1 |
5414 |
1746 |
807 |
4607 |
15 |
D |
1.7 |
10597 |
6234 |
48 |
10549 |
0 |
D1 |
0.4 |
203 |
508 |
6 |
197 |
3 |
E |
3.3 |
3146 |
953 |
26 |
3120 |
1 |
F |
1.4 |
5186 |
3704 |
43 |
5143 |
1 |
G |
3.3 |
11179 |
3388 |
84 |
11095 |
1 |
H |
2.9 |
3980 |
1372 |
27 |
3953 |
1 |
Stray |
- |
654 |
3 |
651 |
0 |
Total Median |
23.1 |
45022 |
2149.4 |
1093 |
43929 |
2.4 |
Table 1: ratio protohistorical impasto and Roman potsherds in trenches A-H
from the 2001 and 2002 campaigns.
Origin and composition of the protohistorical deposit at P13 are interpreted
by us as various dumps in the dune sand and considered to have been related to
activities taking place during the Late Bronze Age. The sheer number and size
of the protohistorical sherds, the old fractures, the good preservation of the
ceramics (hardly any abrasion) and the fact that it was possible to refit a
substantial number of the sherds recovered, indicates that in situ
protohistorical features cannot have been far removed from the spot where they
were dumped. The protohistorical assemblage is characterized by an association
of sherds of large jars (pentole) and often burnt tufa chunks with worked
sides. That we do not deal with settlement debris is clear from the very
limited number of table ware (tazze for example) and the limited number of
bones. As a result of a not yet understood post-depositional process,
occasionally Roman sherds intruded in the deposits of protohistorical origin.
The intrusion of a few Roman sherds may perhaps be attributed to the planting
of shrubs.
The study of the stratigraphy at P13 has resulted in the identification of a
number of superimposed layers containing potsherds dating mainly to the Late
Bronze Age of which layer 3 was identified as an undisturbed, in situ layer of
protohistorical date. However, no specific features were found that point to
an activity in situ. The appearance of the layer is rather to be interpreted
as a dump related to nearby activities and resulted from the preparation of
salt and/or fish as will be suggested below. The salterns and possibly other
activity areas were located in the vicinity of the dune which we have
excavated and are probably totally eroded by the sea. There is evidence that
P13 was one of many of such activity areas, as comparable deposits were found
Along the coast between Nettuno and Astura a number of other deposits of
protohistorical origin are exposed by marine erosion. A number of these were,
like P13, first mapped by Fabio Piccarreta in the 1970’s. In a recent thesis
this coastal area was investigated in more detail by the Italian
protohistorian L. Alessandri in 1999-2000 extending the research area to the
whole coastal stretch between Ostia and Terracina and further south up to the
Garigliano. Alessandri was able to give more accurate datings to the sherd
material and made important observations that are helpful in the
interpretation of the deposits (Alessandri, 2000-2001; forthcoming). Of the
sites reported by Alessandri, the Groningen Institute of Archaeology
investigated in 2002 a section known as Depuratore on the shore near Nettuno
in more detail. Like P13, this section had thick layers of protohistorical
pottery. This site as well appears to be related to industrial activities
dating mainly to the Iron Age (Attema et al, 2003; Tol, 2005 internal report).
The Depuratore site will be published separately. We will now turn to a
discussion of the classification of the P13 ceramics.
The catalogue of ceramics excavated at P13 is presented in vessel classes. In
the classification a basic distinction is made between open and closed vessel.
An open vessel has its maximum diameter at the lip. A closed vessel has its
maximum diameter somewhere between the rim and base. Diagnostic forms concern
rims, bases, cord decorations, lugs and handles. The typology lists the
following aspects: Class, Type, Provenience (trench/spit/layer), Date and Type
parallels. As far as possible the Italian equivalent of the vessel class is
given as well. A typology was made since so many sherds were similar,
especially those pertaining to (large) jars. Smal sherds were placed in the
typology if possible. Reconstructed fragments of jars often demonstrated that
the lip form within one vessel varied, for example, from convex, bevelled to
flattened. Therefore, lip forms could not be a defining characteristic of a
type of jar. Sherds that could not be attributed are presented as
of each class
and type are published
in the full report. Some examples can be found under one
of the six Nettuno fabrics
Diameter lip is larger than 30 cm.
| Type I.1: troncoconical storage jar with straight rim often with plain or
notched cord and lugs at transition rim to shoulder. Varieties of lips:
convex, flattened, bevelled on the outside, pointed or (slightly) thickening
on the outside. Open vessel.
Cassano et al., 1978: p. 211, no. 687; p. 221, no. 485; p. 236, no. 247 and p.
252, no. 048.
Alessandri, 2000-2001: p. 21, fig. 2.8 (Ostia Antica Collettore; Conti 1982);
p. 26, fig. 2.1 (Fosso della Bottaccia; Angle 1996a); p. 44, fig. 2.5 (Saracca);
p. 54, 55, fig. 6.3 (Fosso Moscarello); p. 68, 69, fig. 2.1 (Monte d’ Argento;
Guidi 1991).
| Type I.2: probably cylindro-ovoidal body with (slightly) outcurved rim and on
the inside a smooth transition from shoulder to rim. Often with plain or
notched cord and lugs at transition shoulder to rim. Varieties of lips: convex
or flattened. Closed vessel.
Cassano et al., 1978: p. 218, no. 638 and p. 222, no. 499.
Alessandri, 2000-2001: p. 21, fig. 2.1 (Ostia Antica Collettore: Conti 1982);
p. 54, 55, fig. 6,6/21 (Fosso Moscarello).
| Type I.3: cylindro-ovoidal body with slightly incurved shoulder/rim with often
plain or notched cord and lugs at transition shoulder to rim. Varieties of
lips: convex, pointed, bevelled on the inside or flattened. Closed vessel.
Transition from type 1 to 3 is gradual in repertoire due to some rims, which
are only slightly incurving. Some rimfragments are too small to establish
their typology.
Cassano et al., 1978: p. 201, no. 829; p. 210, no. 727; p. 221, no. 487 and p.
222, no. 486.
Alessandri, 2000-2001: p. 20, fig.3.73 (Ficana: Malmgren 1981); p. 54, 55,
fig. 6.10/11/14 (Fossa Moscarello); p.58, 59, fig. 4/2 (Torre Paola) e
confronti; p. 68/69, fig.2.22 (Monte d’Argento: Guidi 1991).
| Type I.4: probably cylindro-ovoidal body with outturning rim (sometimes
outcurved) with angular transition rim to shoulder. Varieties of lips: convex,
pointed, flattened. Closed vessel.
Cassano et al., 1978: p. 231, no. 218 and p. 252, no. 036.
Alessandri, 2000-2001: p. 46, US147 (Casale Nuove: Angle et al., 1992; 1993;
Angle 1996); p. 50, 51 fig. 5/2 (Borgo Sabotino); p.54, 55, fig. 6/6/12/19 (Fosso
Moscarello; some of the parallels are listed as jars).
Diameter is smaller than 30 cm.
Most of the jar types are smaller versions of the storage jar types I.2, I.3,
| Type II.1: probably cylindro-ovoidal body with (slightly) outcurved rim and on
the inside a smooth transition from shoulder to rim. Often with plain cord at
transition shoulder to rim. Varieties of lips: convex or flattened. Closed
Cassano et al., 1978; p. 201, no. 831; p. 211, no. 713, 737; p. 212, no. 731;
p. 218, no. 635; p. 236, no. 227, no. 230 and p. 256, no. 0236.
Alessandri, 2000-2001: p. 54, 55, fig. 6,6/21 (Fosso Moscarello).
Gocchi Gennick, 1999: p. 420, fig. 14.4
| Type II.2: cylindro-ovoidal body with slightly incurved shoulder/rim with
notched cord and lug at transition shoulder to rim. Convex or flattened lip.
Closed vessel.
Cassano et al., 1978; p. 211, no. 726 and p. 233, no. 235
Alessandri, 2000-2001: p. 46, US 141 (Casale Nuovo: Angle et al. 1992; 1993;
Angle 1996); p. 54, 55, fig. 6.9 (Fosso Moscarello); p.58, 59, fig. 4/2 (Fosso
della Cavatella: Pascucci 1996) e confronti; p. 68/69, fig.2.22 (Monte d’Argento:
Guidi 1991).
| Type II.3: probably cylindro-ovoidal/globular body with outcurving/outturning
rim and convex lip, occasionally thickening on the outside. Closed vessel.
Cassano et al., 1978: p. 211, no. 707; p. 212, no. 697; p. 218, no. 631; p.
221, no. 450; p. 224, no. 454 and p. 233, no. 138
Alessandri, 2000-2001: p. 20, fig. 3/66 (Ficana: Malmgren 1981); p. 46, US112
(Casale Nuovo: Angle et al. 1992; 1993; Angle 1996); p.54, 55, fig. 6/12/21 (Fosso
Moscarello). Dolfini, 2002: Tav. 57, no. 557. Fratini, 1997a: Tav. XVIII, no.3.
Belardelli, 2004: Tav. XLVI, no. 4.
| Type III.1: Carenated bowl. Low conical body, smoothly curved carena, short
steep shoulder, slightly outcurving rim with convex lip occasionally
thickening on the outside. Open vessel.
Cassano et al., 1978: p. 206, no. 666.
Cocchi Genick, 1999: p. 408, fig. 4.2; see also p. 381, fig. 6.4 (Bronzo
Alessandri, 2000-2001: p. 20, fig. 3.64 (Ficana: Malmgren 1981); p. 46, US 141
(upper drawing; Casale Nuovo: Angle et al. 1992; 1993; Angle 1996).
| Type III.2 Oblique or spreading wall/rim, largest diameter at the rim.
Varieties of lips: convex, flattened or thickening on the outside.
This vessel type may also have been used as a lid because there are no bowls
in Cassano et al. 1978 similar to III.2. Type III.2 may often have had double
function, lid and bowl.
Cassano et al., 1978: p. 201, no. 844.
Cocchi Genick, 1999: p.406, fig. 2.8
Alessandri, 2000/2001: p.59 Torre Paola fig. 4.1.
| Type III.3: Flaring wall, slightly curved or straight rim. Varieties of lips:
flattened, thickening on the outside or convex. Open vessel.
Cassano et al., 1978: p. 252, no. 047; see however period 1, p.196, no. 891
Variation Type III.3a slightly incurving wall and rim (P13B.S7/17). Closed
| Type IV.1: Wide rounded body, straight vertical rim, sharp internal angle on
transition shoulder to rim. Irregular notched cord decoration and lug on
transition shoulder to rim.
Cassano et al., 1978: p. 201, no. 830.
| Type V.1 Deep conical body, smoothly incurved shoulder, outcurving rim, convex
lip, decorated with horizontal band with oblique ridges along widest part of
the body. Closed vessel.
Cassano et al., 1978: p. 219, no. 414; p. 227, no. 34 and p. 248, no. 018.
Alessandri, 2000-2001: p. 46, US 11 (Casale Nuovo: Angle et al. 1992; 1993;
Angle 1996).
| Type V.2 Convex shoulder, short conical neck with outturning rim and convex
lip. Angular transition neck to shoulder on in- and outside (a collo
distinto). Closed vessel.
Cassano et al., 1978: p. 219, possibly no. 421 and no. 406.
Alessandri, 2000-2001: p. 35 (Anzio; fig. 3 Jar but with longer neck (bronzo
finale): Bergonzi, 1976: see also Anzio Jar in fig. 6: De Meis, 1984).
The bulk of the excavated sherds consists of large jars, which are difficult
to date exactly because they are of generic type (cf. the storage jars and
jars in: Alessandri, 2000-2001; Mandolesi, 1999: p. 174; Cassano et al., 1978;
Damiani et al., 1998: Tomb 2). The excavated storage jars/pentole as such can
be dated to the Late Bronze Age as well as to the Early Iron Age. Most of the
storage jars are coarsely made, which accounts for the varieties of lips
within the types. The lip of a jar could vary from convex to flattened, to
bevelled. The majority of the jar types are smaller versions of the storage
jar types I.2, I.3 and I.4 and as such can neither be dated exactly.
The few drinking vessels (bowls and cups) excavated at the site have some type
parallels from nearby Casale Nuovo. Bowl type III.1 and cup type V.1 are for
instance also known from Casale Nuovo context US 141 and context US 11 (Angle
et al., 1992; 1993). Type III.1 has type parallels from Bronzo recente to
Bronzo finale while type V.1 can be dated to the early stages of the final
Bronze Age.
In 2002 one worn sherd of depurated clay with slip decoration was recovered at
P13 (catalogue entry 126): P13F5.3/1 under bowl miscellaneous. It might be a
fragment of an Italo-Mycenean bowl due to the context in which it was found
and the lack of exact parallels from Mycenean contexts (Mountjoy, 1999;
Bettelli, 2002). Close type parallels of this sherd have not been found though
as a bowl it is somewhat comparable to Italo-Mycenean and grey-ware bowls
found at Broglio di Trebisacce (Bettelli, 2002: p. 203, no. 29; Belardelli,
1994; Vagnetti & Panichelli, 1994). The Italo-Mycenean sherd from P13 could
well be a local product. In 2002 Prof. Vagnetti and Dr. Bettelli were so kind
to inspect the sherd. They could not assign it on account of its poor
diagnostics. The fabric contains some inclusions that can also be found in the
vicinity of the site P13. The shallow horizontal groove on the outside just
underneath the lip is atypical for Mycenean and Italo-Mycenean bowls but is
one of the features of the impasto bowls type III.5 (see catalogue entry 126
in Nijboer et al 2006).
Considering the coarse character of the
vast majority of the ceramics
recovered, two sherds stand out on account of their careful manufacture: the
above mentioned P13F5.3/1, i.e. the fragment of a bowl that we have classified
as Italo-Mycenean (under bowl miscellaneous; catalogue entry 126) and the fine
black cup P13D.S5.L2/11-14 (under Cups type V.1; catalogue entry 137). Both
sherds have a fabric that contains hardly any visible inclusions and need
therefore be classified as fine pastes. As such they are an anomaly within the
repertoire excavated at P13 and can be considered as remnants of a fine ware
tradition that is more apparent in other Italian regions. Italo-Mycenean
ceramics were made in southern Italy and possibly in the lower Po Valley at
Frattesina during the Late Bronze Age (Jones et al., 2002). No production
centre of fine wares during this period has so far been discerned in southern
Lazio though the excavators of Casale Nuovo have speculated on the existence
of such a production centre at the site (Angle and Zarattini, 1987; Angle et
al., 1992; Angle et al., 1993; Loney, 2000; Mater, 2005: pp. 96-97).
The uncommon fabric of the fine black cup P13D.S5.L2/11-14 (under Cups type
V.1; catalogue entry 137) resembles somewhat the account of a few sherds
recovered at Torre Mordillo in southern Italy. These three sherds are listed
as ceramica tornita a pasta grigia con superficie nera and are dated to the
final phases of the Bronzo recente period (Vagnetti, 2001: pp. 329-330). It is
however unlikely that P13D.S5.L2/11-14 is formed on a wheel.
In general close type parallels of the pottery excavated at P13 are found at
Ficana (Malmgren, 2001) and at Torrionaccio Period 1, 2, 3 and 4 (Cassano et
al., 1978). This site in the Agro Tarquinese was recently dated by Pacciarelli
to Bronzo Recente – Bronzo Finale 3, in absolute years according to him from
1325/1300 – 950/925 BC (Pacciarelli, 2000: pp. 68, 95-107). The complete lack
of incised decorations at P13 also on the thousands of wall fragments not
catalogued can have a chronological significance since these decorations are
more common in the Bronzo finale than in the
Bronzo recente period.
At this stage of research we date P13 on account of the pottery excavated to
the Late Bronze Age. The characteristics of the sherds (not worn and large
fragments that could partly be reconstructed; see for example cup 5.1;
catalogue entry 137) and of the context (high concentration of sherds in a
relatively small area) indicates that the deposit at P13 is formed in a
relatively short period. Two radiocarbon samples from animal bones found at
P13 in the lower levels of trench F (spits 9 and 10) date the context to the
14th - 11th century BC.
Interpretation of the calibration of the 14C dates in combination with the
associated pottery makes an absolute date for P13 around the 12th century BC
likely, which implies a context that can be assigned to the early stages of
the Italian Bronzo finale period.
A direct parallel for P13 is provided by a specific protohistorical context in
a district called Le Saline on the coast of South Etruria at a distance of ca.
9 km from the ancient site of Tarquinia. The context is described as an
organic stratum with an extension of ca. 10 m “contenente esclusivamente resti
di grandi contenitori di impasto rosso-bruno”. The large containers are
described as consisting “in gran parte da olle e doli di medie e grandi
proporzioni, realizzate probabilmente in loco con un caratteristico impasto di
colorazione rosso-bruno, a volte decorati con cordoni plastici sul corpo o
sotto l’orlo” (Mandolesi, 1999: p. 174). Like at P13, table ware is almost
absent in the artefact assemblage of this context and there is no mention of
settlement debris in the form of bones, seeds or building remains. The site is
part of a series of exposures of protohistorical strata in an area of about 60
ha, which are generically dated to the Villanovan period (Mandolesi, 1999: p.
174). These strata are found both on the coast and more inland. A second
context furnishing a direct parallel comes from Scolo dei Prati in the same
area. In località Fontanile delle Serpi, during cleaning of the canal, a
stratum became visible that contained again “quasi esclusivamente resti
pertinenti a grande contenitori assegnabili tipologicamente alla Tarda Età del
Bronzo e, al massimo più tardi, alla Prima Età del Ferro”. Also at this site
hardly any tableware was recovered and there is no mention of associated
settlement debris (Mandolesi, 1996: p. 56). Scolo dei Prati may represent “il
primo approccio verso la costa di una rinnnovata comunità tarquiniese che
andava lentamente radicandosi, tra Bronzo Finale e Primo Ferro, sul territorio
di pertinenza” and is seen as part of a series of minor sites with specific
functions for the control and exploitation of resources (exploitation of the lagoonal environment for salt and fish). Towards the end of the Bronze Age,
Mandolesi postulates also resident sites in the coastal area towards the
inland “a ridosso del littorale”. Mandolesi interprets the coastal sites in
close relationship with the developments at Tarquinia itself: “Significativo è il fatto che il processo di appropriazione della costa avviene in concomitanza
con il primo intenso sviluppo dell’insediamento proto-urbano della Civita” (Mandolesi,
1996: p. 57). On account of the present evidence Mandolesi postulates the
growth of a complex settlement system in the early Iron Age with Tarquinia at
its centre.
The nature of the site P13 and its associated ceramics do mark a
semi-permanent settlement (relation to the sea; closely packed, substantial,
well preserved sherds of large vessels; fragments fit and bases/rims could be
reconstructed; a majority of crudely made storage jars; traces of burning etc.).
The limited range of ceramic types of the vast majority of sherds collected
and the complete lack of incised decorations also on the thousands of wall
fragments not catalogued, indicate that most of the pottery was produced for a
specific purpose. Some of the base fragments had particular colours, which
have been labelled “salt colours” (Lane, 2001: p. 41; Crosby, 2001: pp.
410-412). Some containers from P13 display a range of pinks, whites, greys and
lavender on the inner surface possibly caused by direct contact with brine
(water saturated or nearly so with salt) under moderately high temperatures.
Base fragment P13D.s5.l2/1 exhibits the following discolourations weak red
(10R 4/2, 4/3, 5/3), pale yellow (2.5Y 8/2), black (2.5Y 2.5/1: Munsell
1994), pale red (10R 6/2), pale pink (5RP 8/2) to greyish red purple (5RP
4/2: Rock-color chart, Munsell, 1963)
8.). The explanation for the appearance of
these colours on ceramics while producing salt is unclear though Matson
obtained comparable colours while firing salt-containing clays (Matson, 1971).
Nevertheless these characteristic colours do occur only occasionally on
vessels, which have been used for the manufacture of salt. Crosby describes
the salt making evidence from the Bourne-Morton Canal (Lincolnshire, England)
from the late Iron Age to the pre- and early Roman period and states that five
container sherds (from a total of 117) “exhibit pinkish or lavender ‘salt
colours’ on the inner surface” (Crosby, 2001a: p. 293).
8 "Salt colours" on base P13 D S5.L2/1 (overview and
Another indication for the interpretation of P13 as a saltern is the
composition of different types of ceramics recovered. “Briquetage” is taken to
mean the ceramic equipment (containers, supports etc.) as well as the
fragmented debris of hearths/ovens used in the processing of sea salt (Lane
and Morris, 2001: p. 8; Crosby, 2001b). The composition of the briquetage from
several salterns is marked by the predominance of large containers for the
boiling of brine in order to produce salt crystals (cf. Lane and Morris, 2001:
p. 252; Chowne et al., 2001; Daire, 1994). A comparable predominance of large
containers is found at P13.
A reconstruction of P13 as a salt producing site would involve the processing
and manufacture of salt from tidal sources. The tide would fill man made
basins slightly towards the interior, which could be closed off from intruding
seawater. Under influence of wind and sun the salt concentration of the
seawater in the basin would increase due to evaporation of the water. Salt
will crystallise once the water is saturated with salts. The process of salt
winning often involved in prehistoric times artificial evaporation of water in
containers above fires in order to produce salt crystals (Gouletquer et al.,
1994: pp. 123-161). Whether this process took place at P13 is hypothetical
since structural features have not been excavated though burnt fragments of
tufa, which might have been used as supports for the containers, were found
frequently at P13. The evidence strongly points to the exploitation of sea
resources while using fire and large containers. Other options for activities
around P13 could be the boiling of food in seawater for the necessary human
salt consumption or the production of preserved fish and processed fish
Several fishponds have been recorded in Roman times along this stretch of
coast (Higginbotham, 1997). No hard evidence such as fishbones was recovered
but the exploitation of the fish resources around P13 seems likely also in
prehistory. The importance of salt for both humans and animals can not be
stressed enough but will not be covered in this article. An acclaimed
introduction to the topic was published in 2002 (Kurlansky, 2002).
There are several other prehistoric sites along the west coast of Italy
associated with salt production. Well known are the salt-beds at the river
mouth of the Tiber which were connected through Rome to the Sabine and Umbrian
hinterland by the Via Salaria, a road in use from the Bronze Age onwards (Giovannini,
1985; Coarelli, 1988a; 1988b). Waarsenburg put forward the hypothesis that a
comparable situation may have existed along the Astura with Satricum as a
fording place (Waarsenburg, 2001). Mandolesi assembled the possible evidence
for the early use of the saline near Tarquinia, where comparable pottery as to
the ceramics recovered at P13 was found during a survey (Mandolesi, 1999: pp.
174-176, 194-204). The coastal area near Pisa also functioned as a saltmaking
centre since the Bronze Age (Pasquinucci and Menchelli, 2002; 1999).
Saltwinning along the Tyrrhenian Sea appears to have been a fairly common and
necessary activity during the Late Bronze Age. Lane and Morris who published
various salterns in the Fenland of Eastern England from prehistoric times till
the Roman period, proposed a model of two contrasting phases of production and
settlement, which they have labelled an “Opportunistic” phase and a “Permanent
Settlement” phase (Lane and Morris, 2001: pp. 385-388). The “Opportunistic”
phase is characterised by non-permanent, seasonal settlements in the vicinity
of the salterns. Saltmaking was periodical and accompanied by transhumance,
looking for suitable spring and summer grasslands. To quote Lane and Morris
‘The excavation of such an identified saltern site must reveal quantities of
briquetage and a paucity of well-preserved animal bone and domestic pottery.
During this phase, settlement sites unaccompanied by briquetage debris are not
found within 2 km from the known saltern sites. Saltmaking consisted of
exploration and seizing the opportunity to make salt when and where
environmental conditions allowed’ (Lane and Morris, 2001: p. 385). The
excavated evidence from P13 conforms remarkably well to this description.
In this web contribution
we discussed an archaeological site that provides
data on the exploitation of the coastal strip between Nettuno and Torre Astura
in South Lazio during the Late Bronze Age. Our work elaborates on the
inventory of archaeological sites made by Piccarreta in the 1970’s as part of
his topographical studies for the Forma Italiae series (Piccarreta, 1977) and
follows on the work done recently by Alessandri on the protohistory of the
coastal strip between Ostia and Formia (Alessandri, 2001-2002; Attema et al.,
Central to our studies was the excavation of P13, a single period site of
which only a tip is preserved. The site’s stratigraphy has revealed that we
deal with in situ deposits, an interpretation that is underscored by the well
preserved and hardly abraded, sherds that were excavated, and by the
considerable size of the fragments of those vessels that could be
reconstructed. The majority of the potsherds belong to large vessels while a
limited number of sherds is classified as tableware. The sherds are found in
association with tufa chunks with often burnt sides. The deposits from which
the potsherds derive do, however, not contain any features and the sherds and
tufa chunks are therefore interpreted as refuse. A salt-working site is
implied by the large size of the vessels that could be reconstructed, the
‘salt-colours’ on some of the sherds and the fact that the sherds were found
stacked. Study of the existing literature shows that close packing of
fragmented containers is indeed characteristic for such sites. The
discolouring on some of the bases in combination with the many shattered
vessels and the occurrence of tufa chunks that are interpreted by us as
supports to hold the vessels during the evaporation process, moreover strongly
point to a specific type of salt-making technique labelled briquetage. A date
of P13 to the late Bronze Age (probably 12th century BC) on basis of the
pottery typology is confirmed by the 14C dates. Several comparable exposures
in this area, mapped by Piccarreta, Alessandri and ourselves, indicate that
P13 is certainly not an isolated case and that briquetage activities may have
continued well into the Archaic period along this coastal strip.
One of the aims was to obtain a typology for the Late Bronze Age sherds
recovered at P13 in order to process the numerous finds. This proved to be
difficult on account of the variety of lip forms within one vessel fragment.
We encountered some vessels with lips varying from flattened to convex to
pointed etc. within one fragment. Thus the lip form could not be considered a
determining characteristic for the typology therefore reducing its
significance. The types are defined by rim form and open/closed vessel. The
coarsely made storage jars and bowls and less the jars as type show
considerable variety, which is illustrated in the catalogue. Evolution of
shapes within a type is gradual and some fragments are clearly transition
forms between specific types. The more carefully made vessels within the
catalogue do exhibit much less variety in lip forms.
Single sherds that were not placed into the typology are listed under
miscellaneous pentole (here translated with large jars), miscellaneous
olle (jars)
or miscellaneous scodelle (bowls). They have been classified as such because
of their form, fabric or on account of their surface treatment. Quite a few of
the sherds under miscellaneous storage jars and jars are made with more care
than the generally coarse storage jars and jars that were placed in the
Not all sherds assigned to a specific type have been incorporated into the
catalogue. We have decided to include all the miscellaneous sherds because
published contexts referring to approximately the 12th century BC are still
rare in the Mediterranean. The number of sherds not assigned to a type is
limited, though the present catalogue might give another impression. Less than
10% of the sherds could not be attributed to a specific type of vessel. The
number of large jars at Piccarreta 13 is disproportionate for a regular
settlement context (about 80-85% of the total number of sherds found at the
site). This percentage can be compared with the assemblage of ceramics from
the Late Bronze Age settlement at Torrionaccio. At Torrionaccio the bowls and
jars are dominant in all features examined (158 bowls/ciotole (51%), 82 large
jars/pentole (27%) and 16 storage jars/doli (5%) on a total of 308 (see tabel
3, Cassano et al., 1978: p. 187). Therefore we maintain one of our assessments
in the preliminary publication (Attema et al, 2003) that the distribution of
types at P13 is unusual and does not comply with a regular settlement context.
8.1. Aims
Diagnostic impasto sherds from P13 were analysed to
establish possible variations occurring in their fabrics. During the study of
the P13 ceramics it was noted that there were various distinct groups of
fabrics. As such it resembles the characteristics of the ceramics excavated at
Casale Nuovo where also several pastes are reported leading to speculations
regarding the unsystematic production of the pottery (Loney, 2000; Mater, 2005:
pp. 96–97). Unfortunately the fabrics encountered at Casale Nuovo are not
published in detail.
Fabric analysis may also give data on technological aspects and their relation
to function and form of pottery. As such fabric analysis complements pottery
typologies and in combination it may result in a detailed image of continuity
and development in local pottery production. For two reasons fabric analysis of
the pottery of P13 seemed useful. Firstly to establish whether the fabrics would
reveal specific characteristics that could be related to their supposed function
in the salt production process. Secondly to compare the fabrics to those of the
nearby located protohistorical settlement of Satricum as published in
Attema et al. (2001/2002). This was done in order to detect any
differences and analogies that might exist between the Late Bronze Age fabrics
found at P13 and the Iron Age fabrics from Satricum.
8.2. Method
The descriptions of the fabrics of P13 are based on both the macro- and
microscopical study of fresh fractures. Fresh fractures were studied with a
magnification between 6x and 30x and list measurable characteristics such as
colour and hardness as well as quantity and type of inclusions, their sorting
and particle size. In addition, of each fabric a minimum of two thin-sections is
given to back up these descriptions with microscopical observations. It must be
noted that generally speaking the thin-sections confirm the characteristics
described on basis of the fresh cross-sections, be it that in thin-sections
structurally a higher percentage of inclusions is detected than in fresh
cross-sections. This is especially the case with fabrics having percentages
above 20% inclusions. The number of diagnostic impasto
sherds studied in this way was 235 on a total of 43,929 sherds. Of these 235
sherds or sherd assemblages, 210 (89%) could be grouped in one of six fabrics
(see table 3). NETTUNO fabric 1 is represented best with 99 sherds (42%).
Descriptions follow the method used for the fabrics of Satricum by which
the characteristics are given in coded form (cf. Attema et al.,
2001/2002: ‘Fabrics of architectural terracottas and pottery from Satricum’).
An example of such a code in the present study is NETI/(II).AD*.ms-ps(2-4).a,
variety of characteristics, whereby NET stands for the location code (Nettuno);
the Roman numerals for the colour family, (in this case red and orange); A and D
for the most dominant inclusions; ms and ps for
sorting characteristics of inclusions, with 2-4 denoting particle size and a
referring to the total percentage of inclusions. Fabrics with comparable
characteristics will, generally speaking, also have comparable codes. This,
however, does not hold for fabrics with only few inclusions, as these lack the
discriminating factors of dominance of certain inclusions, sorting and particle
size. A full description of the six fabrics is given
that were discerned in the diagnostic sherds of P13 is given in section 8.5, as
well as black and white photographs of the cross-sections and thin-sections.
Table 3. The six main fabrics found at
1 |
NET I.=.ws*(1-4*).d,
(large) FeMn nodules / (large) Augite / (hardness +) |
99 |
2 |
NET I.(ad*)eq.ps-vps(1-4).c,
(large) FeMn nodules / (large) Augite |
48 |
3 |
NET I/(II).AD*.ms(-ps)(2-4).b,
((large) FeMn nodules), ((large) Augite), ((large) Flint |
12 |
4 |
NET I/(II).AD*.ms-ps(2-4).a,
variety of characteristics |
36 |
5 |
NET I.EH.vps(1-4).b,
(large) FeMn / crumbling |
9 |
6 |
NET I.eh.vps(1-4).c,
(large) FeMn nodules / (hardness+) |
6 |
total number of sherds |
210 |
8.3. Results
From the fabric descriptions given under the internal links below,
it results that the vessels of P13 were hand made. As regards NETTUNO fabric 1,
NET I.=.ws*(1-4*).d, (large) FeMn nodules / (large)
Augite / (hardness +) ,
conclusion is based on the relatively large but few inclusions present in the
clay, their uneven distribution, the random orientation of clay pellets and the
specific patterns in shrinkage fissures. With NETTUNO fabric 2,
NET I.(ad*)eq.ps-vps(1-4).c, (large) FeMn nodules / (large)
it is especially the sorting, the
variety in fissures and the variety in orientation of clay pellets that
indicates that we deal with hand made pottery. In the case of NETTUNO fabric 3,
NET I/(II).AD*.ms(-ps)(2-4).b, ((large) FeMn nodules), ((large)
Augite, ((large) Flint,
it is the random
orientation of fissures in different sizes, supported by the weak micaceousness
of the clay pellets in all directions under crossed polarizors in thin-section
that points to handmade vessels. This is assumed in spite of the preferential
orientation of fissures noted in the thin-section that might indicate the use of
a slow wheel. In the case of NETTUNO fabric 4,
NET I/(II).AD*.ms-ps(2-4).a, variety of characteristics,
it was impossible to establish whether the vessels of this
fabric were modelled by hand and/or by slow wheel due to the high proportion of
inclusions and the anhedral shape of the minerals that do not facilitate
preferential orientation. It was observed, however, that the clay matrix of this
fabric is hardly micaceous and that, where visible, the pellets are orientated
randomly. Furthermore, it was observed that there is no difference in
orientation between inclusions just beneath the surface and in the core that
would indicate finishing by slow wheel. The many small and multidirectional
fissures in the clay matrix moreover suggest the absence of preferential
orientation. In combination these factors lead to the conclusion that also the
vessels of this fabric were modelled by hand. Finally, in the clay matrices of
NETTUNO fabric 5,
NET I.EH.vps(1-4).b, (large) FeMn / crumbling,
and NETTUNO fabric 6,
NET I.eh.vps(1-4).c, (large) FeMn nodules / (hardness+),
traces of insufficient blending, relatively large
Ferro-Manganese nodules and fissures going in variable directions were noted
suggesting that also the vessels of these fabrics were handmade.
Plate 2.4
microscopic appearance of Nettuno fabric 2 in thin-section under plain
polarized light (ppl) /
field of view: 0,25 x 0,38 cm.
Indications for surface treatment of P13
pottery were noted in a thin-section of NETTUNO
fabric 2 (plate 2.4 above), which
showed a zone with a changing clay colour and increase of small inclusions just
below the surface at the interior side of the sherd. It may be that a fine
tempered variety of the clay was used to finish the surface. This, we would,
however, not call a veritable slip, even though the surface was treated with
care. The observed difference could as well be caused by insuffiecient blending
of the clay-pastes used. A comparable characteristic was observed in a
thin-section of fabric NETTUNO fabric 3. Here a zone just beneath the surface
was identified in which exclusively smaller inclusions were present, indicating
that the object was finished with a clay containing different tempers. The
transition between the two areas is characterized by a slight colour change and
a shifting average size of inclusions. Surface treatment appears, however, not
to be a structural characteristic of the sherds of P13.
In the fabric descriptions of both NETTUNO fabrics 1 and 2, it is mentioned that
the clay used to form the vessels seems hardly processed. The insufficiently
blended clays of fabrics NETTUNO fabrics 5 and 6 also testify to the poor
attention paid to the preparation of the clay.
As to the issue of the preparation of the clay, we may turn to
tables 4 and 5 in which a summary of the
characteristics of the fabrics is given. On basis of these data we suggest that,
while Ferro/Manganese and Augite may have been natural inclusions of the
unprepared or hardly prepared clay, sand consisting of Quartz and Feldspars may
have been added intentionally to improve its workability and/or firing
characteristics. This is based on the observation that NETTUNO fabrics 1 to 4
show an increasing percentage from less than 5% for fabric NETTUNO fabric 1 to
more than 20% for fabric NETTUNO fabric 4. This increase regards Quartz and
Feldspars only, with Ferro-Manganese nodules and Augite remaining rather
constant and even decreasing in fabrics with higher total percentages. Therefore
it is assumed that Ferro-Manganese nodules and Augite were natural ingredients
and that Quartz and Feldspars may have been added. Apparently the modelling of
pottery was not hampered by the occasional to frequent presence of large
inclusions, as table 4 shows, though during the preparation of the paste the
largest inclusions will have been removed.
The kind of inclusions found
in all of
the fabric samples that
have been examinated,
indicate that
the ceramics deriving from P13 were produced
Table 4. Characteristics
of NETTUNO fabrics 1 - 4 in fresh cross section (x
6 - x
no. 1 |
no. 2 |
no. 3 |
no. 4 |
total volume of inclusions
in % |
<5% |
5-10% |
10-20% |
>20% |
sorting |
"ws"1 |
ps-vps |
ms(-ps) |
ms-ps |
range in particle size |
<90->2000 |
<90->2000 |
< 500, regularly up to
1400/2000 |
< 710, frequently up to
1400/2000 |
quartz2 |
x - p |
p - 5% |
5 - 15% |
15 - 30% |
feldspar2 |
x - p |
p - 5% |
5 - 15% |
15 - 30% |
augite |
p - 2% |
2 - 7% |
p - 3% |
p - 5% |
olivine |
x - p |
biotite mica |
x - p |
leucite |
garnet |
flint |
x - p |
1 - 3% |
p - 2% |
quartzite |
leucite-tuff or leucite -lava |
tuff |
lava |
p (once) |
volcanic glass |
calcite |
ferro-manganese nodules and stains |
p - 3% |
2-7% |
1-3% |
2-5% |
crushed pottery |
possibly |
organic inclusions |
1. Due to the very low
volume of inclusions sorting is not relevant. By eye most of the fabric types
with that characteristic appear as well sorted. The fabric codes summarize
characteristics detectable by eye.
2. Quartz and Feldspars
are hardly separable in fresh cross section due to erosion/abrasion.
Thin-section analysis offers the means to distinguish individual types
Table 5.
Characteristics of NETTUNO fabrics 1 - 4 in thin section (x
15 - x
no. 1 |
no. 2 |
no. 3 |
no. 4 |
total volume of inclusions
in % |
2-3% |
5-10% |
15-20% |
>20%, possibly >40% |
sorting |
indescribable |
ps-vps |
ms(-ps) |
ms-ps |
range in particle size |
<90->2000 |
<90->2000 |
< 500, regularly up to
1400/2000 |
< 710, frequently up to
1400/2000 |
quartz |
p |
p - 1% |
7 - 10% |
15 - 25% |
feldspar |
p |
p - 1% |
5 - 10% |
15 - 25% |
augite |
p - 2% |
2 - 3% |
p - 1% |
3 - 5% |
olivine |
x - p |
biotite mica |
x - p |
leucite |
garnet |
p |
p |
p |
flint |
p |
1 - 2% |
p - 1% |
quartzite |
leucite-tuff or leucite -lava |
tuff |
lava |
volcanic glass |
p |
p |
calcite |
ferro-manganese nodules and stains |
p - 3% |
3 - 5% |
1% |
p% |
crushed pottery |
organic inclusions |
8.4. Comparison of P13 fabrics 1
- 6 with fabrics described for ceramics from
The analysis of the diagnostic impasto sherds of P13 was
done using the same method to analyse the impasto finds from the protohistorical
settlement of Satricum, located 10 kilometers inland from P13. Table 6
represents the correlation between NETTUNO fabrics 1 to 4 and the Satricum
fabrics. It appears that, despite some variety in details, the general
characteristics are homogeneous to a high degree. The differences in fabric code
for fabric 3 and the related fabric from Satricum must be attributed to
the limited number of sherds in the P13 fabric.
Table 6. Correlation
between the fabrics of P13 and the fabrics of Satricum.
№ 1
NET I.=.ws*(1-4*).d,
(large) FeMn nodules / (large) Augite / (hardness +) |
ó |
SAT I.=.ws*(1-4*).d,
((large) FeMn nodules) |
ô |
ô |
№ 2
NET I.(ad*)eq.ps-vps(1-4).c,
(large) FeMn nodules / (large) Augite |
ó |
SAT I.ad*eq.ps-vps*(1-4).c,
(large) FeMn nodules |
ô |
ô |
№ 3
NET I/(II).AD*.ms(-ps)(2-4).b,
((large) FeMn nodules), ((large) Augite), ((large) Flint |
ó |
SAT I/(II).AD*.ms-ps(1-4).b,
variety of characteristics |
ô |
ô |
№ 4
NET I/(II).AD*.ms-ps(2-4).a, variety of characteristics |
ó |
SAT I/(II).AD*.ms-vps(1-4).a,
variety of characteristics / (slightly) gritty |
We note that NETTUNO fabrics 5 and 6
correspond strongly on the level of inclusions, but less so as regards
characteristics of their clay matrices. This difference is largely caused by the
ratio clay and inclusions, which in the case of NETTUNO fabric 5 (NET
I.EH.vps(1-4).b, (large) FeMn / crumbling) apparently leads to a less
coherent fabric. NETTUNO fabric 6 (NET I.eh.vps(1-4).c, (large) FeMn nodules
/ (hardness+)) has on account of its low content of inclusions and structure
of the clay matrix on microscopical level a relationship with NET I.=.ws*(1-4*).d,
(large) FeMn nodules / (large) Augite / (hardness +). NETTUNO fabrics
5 and 6 have no relation with the fabrics of Satricum.
Table 7 shows the numbers of impasto fabrics from Satricum. The total
number of diagnostic sherds described for Satricum as fabric, is 5350
distributed over five colour families: reddish (I: n = 1810),
reddish/orange (I/II: n = 2439), orange (II:
n = 732), orange/pale (II/III: n = 321)
and pale (III: n = 48) covering about 5 centuries of
local pottery production. The current four fabrics from table 6
are classified under two colour families (I and I/II), of
which the total number of described sherds and sherd-assemblages is 4249. They
cover 83% of the material described in these two colour families red,
red/orange, and 66% of all of the sherds described for Satricum. SAT
I/(II).AD*.ms-vps(1-4).a, variety of characteristics / (slightly) gritty is
by far the most dominant fabric for Satricum, while NET I.=.ws*(1-4*).d,
(large) FeMn nodules / (large) Augite / (hardness +) is the dominant fabric
for Piccarreta 13.
Regarding the difference in chronology between P13 and Satricum, the
predominance of a scarcely prepared clay for a Late Bronze Age site,
and the predominance of a consciously tempered clay for an Iron Age site,
indicates a gradual shift in ceramic technology. This is underlined by fabrics
from Satricum where the majority of ceramics from the earliest phase is
made from a paste almost identical to the dominant P13 fabric.
Table 7. Numbers of
impasto finds from Satricum.
SAT I.=.ws*(1-4*).d, ((large) FeMn
nodules) |
17,1% |
602 |
SAT I.ad*eq.ps-vps*(1-4).c, (large) FeMn
nodules |
14,6% |
516 |
SAT I/(II).AD*.ms-ps(1-4).b, variety of
characteristics |
19.8% |
699 |
SAT I/(II).AD*.ms-vps(1-4).a, variety of
characteristics / (slightly) gritty |
48,5% |
1712 |
total |
3529 |
We would like to thank the Soprintendenza Archeologica per Lazio, especially
Dr. A. Zarattini and Dr. M. Angle, for the permission to investigate P13. Our
credits are also due to the generous assistance and collaboration of the
Poligono Militare di Nettuno, without which this project could not have
started. We are indebted to Dr. L. Vagnetti, Dr. M. Bettelli, Dr. L.
Alessandri and Dr. C. Anastasia for discussions on the pottery recovered at
P13. The illustrations were made by Mirjam Los-Weijns, Jan Smit, Sander
Tiebackx and Rita Aalders for which our gratitude. We finally would like to
thank our students for their dedication during fieldwork.
Some parallels of the P13 miscellaneous pottery
can be found in: Cocchi Genick 2004. Unfortunately this publication
was not available to us while writing the text.
Cocchi Genick, D. (a
cura di), 2004. L’età del bronzo recente in Italia. Atti
del Congresso Nazionale, 26-29 ottobre 2000. Mauro Baroni Editore,
Viareggio – Lucca.
ALESSANDRI, L., 2000-2001. L’occupazione costiera protostorica del Lazio
Centromeridionale. Tesi di Laurea, Università degli Studi di Roma “La Sapienza”,
Roma (Also forthcoming in the Series British Archaeological reports, Int.
ANGLE, M. & A. ZARATTINI, 1987. L’Insediamento protostorico di Casale Nuovo.
Archeologia Laziale VIII (QuadEAI 14), pp. 250-252.
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Sardegna e i Paesi del Mediterraneo, pp. 265-303.
JONES & L. COSTANTINI, 1993. Prime testimonianze micenee nel Latium Vetus.
La Parola del Passato CCLXX, pp. 190-217.
ANGLE, M., 1996. Casale Nuovo. In: C. Belardelli & P. Pascucci (eds),
Repertorio dei siti protostorici del Lazio-provincie di Rieti e Latina, Regione Lazio, Roma. pp. 61-63.
ANGLE, M., 1996a. Fosso della Bottaccia. In: C. Belardelli & P. Pascucci (eds),
Repertorio dei siti protostorici del Lazio-provincie di Rieti e Latina, Regione Lazio, Roma, p. 59
ATTEMA, P.A.J., E. VAN JOOLEN & P.M. VAN LEUSEN, 2001a. A Marginal Landscape:
Fieldwork on the beach ridge complex near Fogliano (South Lazio).
Palaeohistoria 41/42, pp. 149-162.
ATTEMA, P.A.J, A.J. NIJBOER & B.M.J. MATER, 2001b. Veldwerk op het strand
tussen Nettuno en Torre Astura (Midden-Italië). PaleoAktueel 12, pp. 85-88.
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